The UKTMN has continued to grow throughout 2022, and ongoing support to the clinical trial management community has been provided as recovery into the post-pandemic era of trials continues. The UKTMN remains an established network within the UK trials community, and through ongoing collaboration and promotion of the aims of the UKTMN, trial management professionals are better established as a key player in the success of trials than ever.
Throughout this report, we share examples of the activities we have undertaken this year to support our members, and as we continue through 2023, we are always looking for ways to ensure trial management professionals have opportunities for development and support. A huge thank you to all those who made the activities listed in this report possible.
We were delighted to introduce Bryony Weathers to the team in 2022 as the new UKTMN Administrator. As the network continues to grow, Bryony's input into the day-to-day management of the UKTMN will be invaluable.
As we begin 2023, we look forward to working closely with our members and collaborators to ensure trial management professionals are at the heart of the UK clinical trials community.